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How to Choose the Best eCommerce Platform for Your Business

Wondering where to start when selecting an eCommerce platform, find out in our article

Choosing the perfect eCommerce platform is incredibly important. It needs to be sturdy, flexible, and tailored to your specific needs. As a leading eCommerce web development & Magento agency, we understand the pivotal role that eCommerce platforms play in shaping businesses' online success. In this guide, we'll navigate through the landscape of eCommerce platforms, shedding light on their strengths, weaknesses, and suitability for different business types.

What are eCommerce Platforms?

Before delving into the specifics, let's clarify what an eCommerce platform entails. In essence, they are software solutions that enable businesses to build and manage online stores, facilitating the buying and selling of products and services over the Internet. These platforms offer a range of core features, including catalogue management and payment processing to streamline the entire eCommerce process.

Top eCommerce Platforms

Several eCommerce platforms dominate the market, each with its own set of features and target businesses. These include:

1. Magento: Chosen for its robustness and scalability, Magento is a powerhouse, catering to businesses of all sizes looking to future-proof their eCommerce store. Magento now has the benefit of Hyvä, a frontend theme with unrivalled performance, easy maintenance and intuitive UI. Learn more about Hyvä.

2. Shopify: Known for its user-friendly interface and extensive app ecosystem, Shopify is a good choice for businesses that don’t require extensive customisation of their online store.

3. WooCommerce: Built as a plugin for WordPress, WooCommerce offers seamless integration with one of the most popular content management systems, making it a preferred choice for those already familiar with WordPress. 

4. BigCommerce: With a focus on enterprise-level features, BigCommerce is suited to growing businesses and established brands.

5. Shopline: Chosen for its simplicity and ease of use, it offers an intuitive interface and essential eCommerce features, making it a good choice for emerging businesses.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an eCommerce Platform

When selecting your platform, it's crucial to weigh various factors to ensure it aligns with your business goals and requirements. Here are some key considerations:

1. Price: Evaluate the initial cost, including setup fees, transaction fees, and ongoing subscription costs, to ensure it fits within your budget. You also need to consider the total cost of ownership including: 

  • Third-party agencies such as developers, SEO specialists
  • Costs involved in making the platform bespoke such as modules, apps, additional functionality etc
  • Domain management and hosting
  • Ongoing maintenance and support

2. Flexibility: Look for a platform that offers customisation options and scalability to accommodate your business's growth and evolving needs.

3. International Scalability: If you plan to expand globally, opt for a platform that supports multiple currencies, languages, and tax regulations to facilitate international sales.

4. Learning Curve: Consider the ease of use and the learning curve associated with the platform, especially if you or your team are not tech-savvy and cannot rely on a development agency.

5. Power and Performance: Assess the platform's speed, reliability, and ability to handle high traffic volumes to ensure a seamless shopping experience for your customers. A speedy website is pivotal to online success.

6. Support and Community: Assess the platform's support options, especially if you aren’t considering eCommerce support from an external agency. Review their documentation, tutorials, forums, and customer service channels. Some platforms also charge extra for improved support so it’s best to research this before choosing your platform.

Consider the size and activity of the platform's user and development community. A vibrant community can provide valuable insights, troubleshooting assistance, and third-party resources to enhance your eCommerce experience!

7. Integrations: You likely already have software set up for your business such as accounting, marketing and inventory management solutions. These can often be connected to your platform of choice so it’s a good idea to check this beforehand as it will make things a lot easier when it comes to getting set up!

Tailored Solutions for Different Business Types

While Magento stands out as a versatile eCommerce solution suitable for a wide range of businesses, it's important to acknowledge that different platforms are better suited to specific business types:

Startups and Small Businesses: For those just venturing into the world of eCommerce, platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce offer simplicity and affordability, making them ideal choices to kickstart your online journey.

Mid-sized Businesses: As your business grows, platforms like Magento and BigCommerce provide the scalability and advanced features needed to accommodate increased traffic and sales volume.

Enterprise-level Businesses: For established brands with complex requirements and high transaction volumes, Magento offers a robust solution, offering unparalleled power and unlimited customisation.

So Which is the Best eCommerce Platform for You?

Choosing the right platform is paramount to your online success. While there are several options available, each with its strengths and weaknesses, Magento offers unmatched flexibility, scalability, and power for businesses of all sizes.

It's essential to assess your business and customer requirements and consider factors such as price, flexibility, scalability, learning curve, and performance when making your decision. If you’d like to find out if Magento could be the best eCommerce platform for your business, get in touch with our team!

If you're looking for a Magento Agency to help excel your eCommerce business


Rebecca Ebdon-Taylor

eCommerce & Marketing Specialist

Rebecca is a Project Manager and Marketing Specialist who has been working in eCommerce since 2012 and has been with Develo since 2022. She became certified in Digital Marketing in 2015. Rebecca enjoys the diversity of digital marketing, no two days are the same and the evolving nature of marketing means she is always learning something new! Outside of work she can be found walking her cocker spaniel or playing netball!

Develo is a leading Magento agency and eCommerce web development company based in Birmingham, in the UK, serving clients globally since 2010. Our Blog covers topics around the array of services our certified Magento Developers offer, including Hyvä themes development, Adobe Commerce, PunchOut catalogues, ERP integrations and much more. To speak to a friendly member of the team about your next project, contact us here.



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