The mobile app for the local Young Peoples not for profit organisation The Factory intends to provide the user with updates posted to the site, such as the latest news, and scheduled events in an interactive calendar, as well as the ability to communicate with The Factory using the contact us form. We also have a system that allows users to opt in to receive updates on events through the use of push notifications.
News Page
This news page uses a simple REST API to pull the news posts from the factory website, parsing the HTML and displaying the data in the app, with an interactive list which displays short previews of the posts, and can be clicked on to view the news post in its entirety.
What’s On Page
The What’s On Page also uses the REST API, to pull the events from the factory website, and displays them by populating the calendar with days that have events. Users can also click on a specific date, and a list will display, showing the events that are scheduled for that date. Each of these events can be clicked on to view the full details of the event such as the description.
Contact Us
As well as being able to view updates from the website, it’s important to have communication between The Factory and its users, and the contact form allows for this to be done right from within the app. The Contact Us page also provides contact information and a map with the location of The Factory, also easily accessible within the app, and not needing to open an external browser window or maps app.
Event Notifications
This app provides the functionality of letting an admin of The Factory website send push notifications to users based on which type of notification they’ve opted to receive. These notifications include a URL, and a message.